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How To Stay Sufficiently Hydrated While Wearing Masks

How To Stay Sufficiently Hydrated While Wearing Masks

What am I talking about?  How are we all staying sufficiently hydrated while wearing masks all day?  The struggle is real.  Facemasks should be doffed and donned (that’s “removed” and “put on,” respectively) with clean, just-washed hands.  Frequently removing and replacing facemasks to sip your favorite venti iced beverages can increase chances of spreading illness-causing pathogens.  I am very curious to hear how you all are managing to consume your recommended daily fluids, but here are three tactics that I have been utilizing these past few weeks.

  • Hydrate when home. After my first day back at work, I drank half a gallon of water immediately when I got home. My stomach couldn’t handle this however, and it promptly “returned” the water. Taking smaller sips throughout the time I am home has been more successful. Filling a large container (or several glasses) with water and setting it somewhere obvious like a kitchen counter has helped me keep hydration at the forefront of my mind, and I have avoided the consequences of “over-chugging.”
  • Be deliberate about “hydration breaks.” I have made it a point to take advantage of times when I am not close to a lot of people. Generally this is when I take a break to use the restroom. I wash my hands, remove my mask, and drink several large gulps (8-10 oz) before donning a clean mask. If I start to feel a little dehydrated, I take an intentional “hydration break” where I step away to drink water and replace my mask with clean hands.
  • Be smart about supplements. Adding fruit or electrolyte supplements to water can help keep chemicals in the blood at appropriate levels. Obviously, please consult your primary doctor before changing anything about your diet. This has helped ME to manage the symptoms of dehydration, but it may not be the best choice for you.

So what has helped you maintain optimal hydration levels if you are wearing a face mask for part of the day? Leave a comment and let me know!