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Importance of Hip and Pelvis Functional Stability

Importance of Hip and Pelvis Functional Stability

Importance of Hip and Pelvis Functional Stability

As humans, we tend to be moving around a lot throughout the day in many different positions. In order to complete these activities as they become more challenging or as we age, it is important for us to have strength and stability throughout our body. This idea is called Dynamic Kinetic Chain Integration that helps us to coordinate global movement patterns involving the upper body, trunk/core, and lower body to enhance our overall stability.

The overall goal when you come to Physical Therapy is to get you back to doing the activities you enjoy in a safe way, and that is with global dynamic functional stability. Most people have underlying weakness that we need to address, which may mean we are starting with more simple exercises (steady and stable) in simple positions (lying on your back). The reason for this is to gain strength and stability locally so when we progress to higher level global and dynamic tasks that are more activity specific, you are able to demonstrate better mechanics, which means – less pain!

One of the most important stabilizers in our body is our pelvis, and the muscles that surround it to assist in this stabilization is hip and core muscles.  Your body needs to recruit as many muscle fibers as it can within the full range that a joint has – and with good control and form– to gain speed and endurance. We also want to move in different planes of motion including back to front, up and down, side to side, and even some reciprocal and rotary movements, as you get stronger some of these movements will also be combined to replicate more day to day activities. Starting with lying on your back, to lying on your side, then your stomach, then hands and knees, and finally – standing upright. We need to focus on strength and control locally (just legs, or just arms) then progress into movement patterns (combining movements) in each of these positions.

I know this may sound slow and boring; but understanding breathing patterns and pelvic positioning for optimal stabilization when lying on your back will be key with progressing to more challenging positions. Then we can progress to added resistance and increased speed and time in each position to prepare your body for the challenges of our more complex day to day movements. Whether you’re retired, a working individual, a high level athlete, or a weekend warrior this progression for optimal stabilization is the key to success with all your daily and recreational activities!

Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy is privately owned and operated by highly-trained physical therapists.