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Make Hip Exercises Part Of Your Regular Exercise Routine

Make Hip Exercises Part Of Your Regular Exercise Routine

Hip Hip Hooray!

There are over 20 muscles that cross the hip, including the abductors (in the outer thigh), the hip flexors (in front), and the abductors (in the inner thigh), yet strangely enough, these muscles are often ignored in strength training routines. The results of neglect can be serious; when hips are tight, they can affect everything from our ability to bend forward, to overuse of the spine. By performing exercises that stretch and strengthen our hips, we can avoid pain and injury, improve motion and circulation, and release energy. These are just a few reasons why we should make hip exercises part of our regular exercise routine.


IT Band StretchHip Exercise IT Band StretchPsoas StretchHip Exercise Psoas StretchAdductor StretchHip Exercise Adductor Stretch


Straight Leg Raise FlexionHip Exercise Straight Leg Raise Flexion part 1Straight Leg Raise FlexionHip Exercise Straight Leg Raise Flexion part 2Resisted side lying clamsHip Exercise Resisted Side Lying Clams part 1Resisted side lying clamsHip Exercise Resisted Side Lying Clams part 2Ball SqueezeHip Exercise Ball SqueezeBridgeHip Exercise Bridgeand Kick!Hip Exercise Straight Leg Raise Flexion part 2

Perfect SquatsHip Exercise Perfect SquatsResisted lateral sidestepHip Exercise Resisted Lateral Sidestep