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Don’t Forget Self-Care During the Busy Holiday Months!

Don’t Forget Self-Care During the Busy Holiday Months!

The holiday season is a time of busyness and giving for most. There is so much cooking and gift buying to do! Spending time with loved ones might look different for most this year, so it is all the more important to stay on top of mental and physical well being. Here at Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy, we care about our patients and about providing customized, caring service. So, grab a cup of tea and a crab cake and take some notes on ways to practice self-care this holiday season!

Think Outside the Box

This year has brought a lot of different changes to most people’s lives. That does not mean self-care during this socially distant time needs to stop. It is essential to prioritize your health and physical well being. Take a step back and try to rethink some of your everyday routines. Self-care doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive or time-consuming. Self-care may look like journaling about your day, baking some delicious festive treats or staying consistent with your physical therapy appointments. We at CBPT focus on a holistic approach to treating patients and bring together a variety of therapy specialists to form a plan right for your physical needs and goals. Not deviating from the plan your physical therapist and you have created is key to a healthier, more mobile you!

Be Mindful

The mind is a powerful wonder to behold. It is crucial to practice self-care to maintain whole being wellness, this includes checking in on your thoughts and emotions. Sharing how you are truly doing is not always the easiest. Good self-care can look like calling up a friend to catch up or even consider meeting with a licensed therapist if that feels like the right avenue for you. Meditation can seem daunting but setting aside a few minutes to take some deep breaths and slow your thoughts down can make a world of a difference. Sitting still not your thing? If your physical therapy allows it, consider a stroll around your neighborhood or town. Observe your surroundings, you might just see something you’ve never noticed before!

Throw Some (Epsom) Salt on It

Epsom salt is often an understated tool in physical therapy and self-care in general. Many people are deficient in magnesium, a mineral crucial for healthy stress management and quality sleep. Used for hundreds of years, Epsom salt has been touted as a transdermal source of magnesium when mixed in with a warm bath. Sprains, bruises, sore muscles are a few of the ailments this inexpensive mineral can alleviate. If you are experiencing major pain or discomfort, it is best to contact your physical therapist or primary physician.

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

Finding some solitude time to unwind and read is severely overlooked as a relaxation method. After a good physical therapy session, sitting down to a cup of chamomile tea and an intriguing book can do wonders for the mind, body and soul. Stress can lead to heart problems, anxiety and high blood pressure. In a study done at Emory University, it was found that reading a novel can create new neural pathways in the brain. Strengthening the brain and winding down from a long day of remote working? A win, win situation.

Here at Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy, our team of experienced therapists is waiting to help you meet your wellness goals. Whether you’re having issues with balance or chronic pain, we are here to assist you with compassion and care. Self-care is as important as physical exercise and proper nutrition. Try out some of the tips in this article and then give one of our five state-of-the-art locations a call to set up the start of your holistic wellness journey!