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Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?? Assistive Devices

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?? Assistive Devices

Assistive devices help people keep their independence, and allows you to move around on your own, most of the time, without help from others. Doctors, and physical therapists may recommend and prescribe you to get an assistive device, but you do not need their recommendation to get one if you feel as if you need one on your own.

WHO needs an assistive device?

  • Typically seen in the geriatric population, especially for people who have fallen or are at risk for falls
  • Can be prescribed to post-surgical patients by their Dr. to help them move around easier and protect surgical site
  • Any populations that have a genetic condition, (such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy…etc.) that hinders their ability to move around under their own power

WHAT is an assistive device?

  • Any device that ASSISTS people in moving around throughout the day
  • Typically seen devices include, but are not limited to,
    • Wheelchairs
    • Walkers
    • Rollators
    • Crutches
    • Quad Canes/Single Point Canes
    • Power Wheelchairs.

WHEN do I need to use an assistive device?

  • Whenever you feel like you need it. There is no right or wrong answer here and comes down to your comfortability moving around your surroundings, whether in your own home or in public spaces

WHY do I need an assistive device?

  • Your doctor prescribes it for you after a surgery, to allow the surgical site and procedure to heal properly
  • You have fallen, or are at risk for falls, ADs may help prevent further or future falls and give you the confidence to move around
  • Your ability to move around has become impaired, whether is from a genetic condition, developed condition, surgery, injury…etc. ADs may help you regain some independence and give you the ability to move around again

WHERE do I get an assistive device?

  • Contact your Doctor or physical therapist for more information on where to obtain an appropriate assistive device, as they have more information and connections to ensure you get the proper equipment.
  • Contact your insurance company, as some companies may cover the cost of your assistive device if you utilize a resource they recommend.
  • Online sites sell assistive devices, but be sure to look at the reviews to ensure you are getting the correct device, as well as good equipment.

HOW do I use my assistive device?

  • Canes
    • Ensure the cane fits YOU properly!
      • The cane should go on the opposite side of your injury or weaker side
      • The grip of the cane should align with the crease of your wrist when you are standing upright
      • There should be a slight bend in your elbow
    • How to move using your cane!
      • Keep the cane slightly in front of and to the side of your body
      • As you move your injured or weak leg, move the cane with it as well
      • As you move your strong leg, put weight through the cane to take some of the load off your injured or weaker leg. The cane should remain on the ground at all times when putting weight through it!
  • Walker
    • Ensure the walker is the proper device for you and fits YOU properly!
      • The handles of the walker should align with the crease of your wrists when you are standing upright
      • There should be a slight bend in your elbows
    • How to use your walker!
      • Make sure to stand upright, do not lean forwards or backwards to avoid falling
      • Remain inside the base of your walker, do not move the walker too far in front of you when walking
      • Make sure all 4 legs of the walker are on the ground at all times
      • When walking, move the walker slightly forward, use your arms to take the load off the weaker or injured leg and step fully back into the walker
  • Wheelchair
    • Ensure the wheelchair fits you properly!
      • When sitting in the chair, your hips and knees should form 90/90 angles. Your knees should not align above your hips.
      • There should be space between the back of your knees and the wheelchair cushion to avoid rubbing
      • Ensure there is about a 2 inch space between the edge of your legs and the arm rests of the chair
      • Ensure the back rest is not too high or too low. Too high will hinder your ability to propel the wheelchair forwards, and too low will not provide enough trunk support.
    • How to use your wheelchair!
      • When you are not moving, or plan to get out of the wheelchair,  make sure to lock both brakes.
      • To go straight forwards, push both arms forwards, to go straight backwards, pull both arms back
      • To turn left, hold the left wheel so it does not move and push the right wheel forwards. To turn right, hold the right wheel so it does not move and push the left wheel forwards.
  • Crutches
    • Ensure the crutches fit YOU properly!
      • Make sure the crutches are not jammed up into the armpit, this can injure the nerves that reside there. Ensure there is about 2 inches of space between the crease of your armpit and the top of the crutch, which can be placed on the side of your chest.
      • The handles of the crutch should align with the crease of your wrists when standing upright
      • The bottom of the crutches should be slightly wider than your shoulder width
    • How to use your crutches!
      • Check to see if you have any precautions, such as weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT) or non-weight bearing (NWB) given to you by your doctor or surgeon.
      • WBAT
        • Weight should be dispersed through both lower extremities and arms
        • Crutches should both be moved forward as your non injured leg takes on the majority of the weight and the injured leg takes as much weight as tolerated.
        • One crutches have been moved, allowing your arms to take on the majority of the weight and move lower extremities forwards by stepping and putting weight through them.
      • NWB
        • Put all your weight through your arms and non affected leg (if applicable)
        • Crutches should both be moved forward as your non injured leg takes on the weight.
        • One crutches have been moved, allow your arms to take on the weight and move lower extremities forwards