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Understanding the Importance of your CORE

Understanding the Importance of your CORE

What is your core?

Your core is often taken for granted and overlooked, as many people don’t realize the importance and how much they use their core all day everyday! Your core is the center portion of your body. Some people have the misconception that your core is only the “6 pack” of abs we see people who are in great shape have. While this is partially true, it is much more than that. It includes muscles of your hips, pelvis, pelvic floor, low back and stomach which will work together to help you move efficiently and effectively.

Why is your core important?

Your core is the stabilizing component of your pelvis and spine, which links your upper and lower body. It is a multifaceted group of muscles that have a variety of functions to help you move throughout the day with ease. There is a right way and wrong way to move, and the core helps prevent unwanted or compensatory movements when using arms or legs. A weak core can lead to injuries, pain, postural deficits, poor balance and incontinence.

Functions of the core!

Stability or strength? Both are important components of the core complex and help promote better posture, balance, and body mechanics when performing a variety of activities. They actively help protect your spine from unwanted excessive movements that can lead to disc or nerve issues. They play a crucial role in decreasing falls, back pain and other injuries while allowing you to move and navigate throughout your daily life.

Core stability is the core complex’s ability to resist unwanted motion. When you are carrying groceries into your home, your core is stabilizing to ensure you don’t lean to the side you have the groceries on and fall over

Core strength is the core complex’s ability to perform a motion, such as a sit up or a back extension. Any movement you do throughout the day, such as walking around or standing up requires core strength to help perform the movement.

Everyday motions that the core helps with!

  • Squatting (sitting down into a chair and standing up)
  • Walking
  • Reaching
  • Bending over to pick something up
  • Balancing during walking, running, going up/down stairs

Simple core exercises to do at home!

  • Plank or modified plank
  • Leg raises
  • Birddog
  • Sit up