NEW SERVICE ALERT!! - Shockwave Therapy - New Breakthrough Chronic Pain Therapy

NEW SERVICE ALERT!! - H-WAVE® - Diminish Pain and Experience Lasting Relief

Plan for COVID-19

Plan for COVID-19

Microscopic view of COVID-19 virus.

Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy has been documented by the state of Maryland, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, as an essential business. As a primary provider of essential health care, CBAY, along with other outpatient physical therapy providers, are a very important aspect of the health care system. Our treatments can help the public in many ways. Those include but are not limited to: decreasing the number of our patient’s MD visits and follow up visits which are needed; keeping patients’ pain level down and function level up in order to prosper each day; most importantly keep patients out of the hospital emergency rooms or allow them to put off elective surgeries to allow for much needed hospital space and decrease hospital resources which are precious amidst this global pandemic.

As we have been part of multiple Maryland communities for many years we take our role very seriously. The health and safety of our patients, family members, and staff is our number one goal. Please see our practices below to explain exactly how we are conducting our offices to ensure the utmost safety.

Sanitizing Method (using products recommended by the CDC):

Wiping down all equipment, plinths, and areas that patients come in contact with, as soon as they have completed treatment or have left the area.

  • Wiping down all the equipment regardless of use every hour.
  • Making hand sanitizer available for all patients and staff to use before, during, and after their treatment.
  • Wiping down our front desk area and lobby every hour on the hour with disinfecting products. Please see our cleaning logs located at our clinics which are updated every hour.
  • We are building Plexi-Glass Sneeze Guards at our front desk at each clinic.
  • Front desk will use hand sanitizer between each patient contact.

What our staff is doing:

  • Calling each patient the evening before his/her appointment to ask the COVID-19 screening questions
  • Keeping our patients physically greater than 6 feet apart
  • Spacing our patient appointments throughout the day to maintain social distancing
  • Washing their hands before and after each patient
  • Wearing a mask while in the treating area at all times
  • Using hand sanitizer throughout the day as needed
  • Helping to monitor all cleaning/sanitizing of all equipment and patient areas/tables

What we are asking of our patients:

  • All patients must bring their own mask to wear in the clinic
  • Please come to your appointment no more than 5 minutes early to avoid crowding in the waiting room
  • Please knock on the door and a staff member will greet you. At this time, the staff member will ask you the COVID-19 screening questions and take your temperature. If you are cleared, you will enter the clinic.
  • Please come into our facility alone unless you need assistance, or you are a parent accompanying a minor. Please do not bring children, if you are an adult receiving treatment.
  • Our therapists will guide you to the sink where you can wash your hands prior to and after your appointment.
  • If you have any of the following symptoms which began recently at home: Cough, Shortness of Breath, Fever, or Muscle Aches, please call us before coming to your appointment.
  • If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed positively for Covid-19, please call your MD immediately as you may have to self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • Please cover your mouth with your elbow if you need to cough or sneeze.
  • Please avoid shaking hands or having physical contact with others.

We appreciate you working with us and allowing us to continue to take care of you and your needs in these trying times.

This too shall pass. Until then we are here for you.Please if you have any concerns or need anything from us to alleviate your worries, just ask us!


Danielle Goldstein, MPT, COO

Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy

Chesapeake Bay Aquatic & Physical Therapy